Any questions?
Feel free to contact us.
City Hotel de Jonge
Brinkstraat 85
9401 HZ Assen
0592 312 023
There are multiple parking facilities in the vicinity of the hotel. The parking garage in close proximity is parking garage Stadshuis at Javastraat 15.
If your car is higher than 1,85m, then you can park in parking garage Citadel, this garage is established at the Kloekhorststraat. We do not offer exit tickets for this parking garage! The costs are €10,50 per day (this concerns a calander day, and only for consecutive hours) you can pay in the garage.
You can park your car in front of the hotel in the intended parking spots to bring your luggage inside and to check in.
It’s paid parking on the Brinkstraat. After 6 PM and on Sunday parking is free, with exception of Friday evening and shopping Sundays
Pay attention: Because of the market at Wednesday and Saturday, there is a towing arrangement at the Brinkstraat during these days from 5 AM.
Disabled visitors can use the parking spots made exclusively for disabled people (like the disabled parking space at De Brink). For these parking spaces are no maximum times. These are also free of charge.
Parking on a paid parking space?
Make sure that you have disabled parking card and a parking disc with the right time visible in front of the cars front window. The expiration date and the image in the bottom right corner should always be clearly visible. The parking disc can be set every half an hour. The maximum parking time is three hours.
Accessible with the train
Best Western City Hotel de Jonge is an approximate 8 minute walking distance away from the Intercity and bus station in Assen. From the station you walk towards the centre of the city through the Stationsstraat. At the end of the Stationsstraat you got right into the Oostersingel. At the end of the Oostersingel you have to go to the left to the Noordersingel. After that you go left in to the Brinkstraat. You will see the restaurant on your right side there.
Accessibility by car
From Hoogeveen/Zwolle (South)
•You have to take exit Assen-Noord (exit 34) from the A-28 and follow the signs to centrum/station.
•After 1 km you go right at the end of the Industrieweg towards the Rolderstraat.
•At the Rolderstraat you have to go to the left to the Javastraat.
•After 250 m you go to the right on to the Noordersingel.
•Then you go to the left into the Brinkstraat. The hotel/restaurant will be on your right hand side.
From Groningen (North)
•You have to take exit Assen-Noord (exit 34) from the A-28 and follow the signs to centrum/station.
•After 1 km you go right at the end of the Industrieweg towards the Rolderstraat.
•At the Rolderstraat you have to go to the left to the Javastraat.
•After 250 m you go to the right on to the Noordersingel.
•Then you go to the left into the Brinkstraat. The hotel/restaurant will be on your right hand side.
From Rolde (East)
•When at the Asserstraat, after 3,7 km on the roundabout you have to take the 2nd exit (to the Rolderhoofdweg).
•After 0,8 km you go to the left into the Javastraat.
•After 250 m you go to the right on to the Noordersingel.
•Then you go to the left into the Brinkstraat. The hotel/restaurant will be on your right hand side.
From Hoogersmilde (West)
•Take after 2,2 km the exit towards Assen at the intersection with traffic lights (Balkenweg N371).
•After 1,1 km you take the exit towards Assen at the intersection with traffic lights (Balkenweg).
•Then after 1 km go straight through to the Lauwers towards Assen.
•Go to the right after 2,2 km on to the Collardslaan.
•After 150 m you go to the left to Kerkplein.
•After 0,6 km go left to the Noordersingel
•Then you go to the left into the Brinkstraat. The hotel/restaurant will be on your right hand side.